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Over the past few years I have contributed in articles related to child health, to share some of my knowledge and provide helpful tips and advice on child care.
The Importance of Childhood Vaccinations
Immunisation is one of the best ways to protect our children from serious childhood diseases
Sunway Profile Dr Tengku Putri
Dr Tengku Putri Zainab specialises in general paediatrics...
Anak tak cerdik kalau tak diberi minum susu?
MENAFIKAN susu sebagai sumber terbaik untuk perkembangan anak-anak sejak lahir sememangnya tidak wajar....
Cara Bedung Bayi Dengan Selamat
Selepas bayi dilahirkan, bayi akan terus dibedung oleh jururawat yang mengendalikan bayi anda di hospital.
Cara Meningkatkan Berat Bayi Yang Menyusu Badan
untuk mengenal pasti sama ada bayi anda betul-betul ada masalah dengan berat badannya
How To Take Care Of Your Baby’s Skin
Baby’s skin is sensitive and needs extra care and attention. It does not function as well as adults when it comes to acting as a skin barrier.
Ketagihan Gajet Jejas Perkembangan.
Ketagihan penggunaan gajet atau media sosial dalam kalangan kanak-kanak di bawah umur....
The Importance of Crafts for Autisme Kids
Crafts boost creativity, motor skills, and self-expression, providing therapeutic benefits for autistic children.