After delivery, the next step to decide on is the contraception to use- to ensure spacing between pregnancies.

👉You may have these questions in mind after delivery:

✅ Should I just rely on natural methods and continue breastfeeding?

✅ Should I be on other contraception as well?

✅ Which contraception would be the best for me?

⭐️The choice usually depends on:

📌 Whether you are breastfeeding

📌 What medical conditions you have

📌 When you plan to be pregnant again

📌 What you and your husband are comfortable with

📌 Previous contraception experience


‼️ The best person to discuss this with will be your GYNAECOLOGIST as the choice of contraception is INDIVIDUALISED. There are risks and benefits of each type of contraception and which one suits you best.

I am sure you have heard that breastfeeding can be a form of birth control. ✅

👉 But how much do we really know about it? 🤔

💖 This method is called the ‘Lactational Amoenorrhea Method’ or LAM. It is one of the natural form of birth control and is also one of the benefits of breastfeeding.

💫 According to RCOG or the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, the failure rate of this method is around 2 per 100 women. I would say that this method is rather effective in preventing pregnancy.

‼️ BUT!!

💫 You will can only rely on this method if you have met ALL the THREE criterias:

1️⃣ No menses (i.e your menses has not resumed after day 56 postpartum)

2️⃣ Baby is less than 6 months old

3️⃣ Breastfeeding exclusively, (Baby not receiving any food or drinks besides breastmilk)

‼️ Do note that if you have started work within the first 6 months and are separated from your baby for four hours or more, it will reduce the effectiveness of LAM because pumping is not as effective as a baby at suppressing ovulation.

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